Books for Young Adults

People think that only in “after life” you get to enjoy life outside this body… Can’t be further from the truth! You can go through the tunnel and round window, all without dying! I am inviting you to go on the journey where you learn how Astral World works and see how much it influences your life right now.

The Author of these books does NOT belong to ANY Religion, Sect, or a Group. The purpose of this writing is NOT to convince you of anything, but to expand your knowledge and skills if you desire to do so. The Author does NOT guarantee that you will get the desired result from your effort and all the exercises are just basic guidelines to expand upon. Introduction to Sacred Terminology comes from Theosophical and Kabbalistic teachings, which means that looking for accuracy at the Source Level is highly advised. If something does NOT match what you already know from those teachings, please forgive the Author, because this book was written under Own Spiritual Guidance. Thank you.